Friday, 2 January 2009

The Manchester art scene - In a recession

Happy new year. My boiler packed in a couple of days ago and I awoke to minus 7 degrees. Sweet Jesus bring on global warming if it means I don't whimper getting dressed of a morning.
After the excesses of Christmas and New Year is there a finite amount of good will to go around? If so then its time for me to get into the mood, kick back and withdraw into 2 months of grouchy apathy "That's it my love, I'm spent". Listen to the gloom and you get sucked into it. Ignore the media and continue with a positive mental attitude. When you can do that, let me know how it's done.
There are still economic woes for many and there are a few big names yet to fall. So what of the art industry? Well in Manchester it is still pre pubescent and feeling slightly embarrassed at its high voice and lack of stubble. Underdeveloped doesn't come close, you can count the number of commercial galleries on one hand which for a population of half a million is shockingly few.
So if it isn't that great in the 1st place what's going to happen in a recession?
Clearly there has been a reduction in demand for art and anyone who says not is telling fibs. Mooch is really well placed, has already made a great impact and continues to grow, adding new artists every fortnight. I strongly believe that the recession could be a good thing for the businesses that are forward looking and positive in their outlook.
A guy called Maslow worked out our pyramid of needs, working up from psychological (I need air, water etc) up to self actualisation which involves creativity. There will always be a market for food; artwork on the other hand is on a roller-coaster of a journey. There are ups and downs and that's the key. Buy on a downer and you'll get a nice return on the upper.
You don't find galleries overtly slashing prices but they will be very carefully considered and will generally be lower than at any time in the past few years. Besides which, stocks and shares don't look anywhere near as nice on your wall. Think of a great looking room and your friends compliments as your dividend.
Buying artwork can however can be a little daunting so I will soon post a blog on how to buy art in a recession. It will give you an insight into how you should go about choosing artwork and hints and tips to get the best deal, the best investment and the piece that suits your home to a tee. We are also offering a free advice service for those unsure of what type of art is appropriate for a space. We can visit your home and help you make an informed decision.
When it comes to artwork there has never been a better time to buy so what are you waiting for?