Saturday 5 September 2009

Manchester Pride

This week I've taken a lesson from a spanish girl who's working at the gallery on placement from an International language school. Yesterday I came in from the rain and had a bit of a moan to her about the fact we had small ponds collecting on the adjacent road. Bego said she likes the fact it rains a lot in manchester, "It's always so fresh". Her English isn't good enough for sarcasm and she wasn't being at all ironic. This made me smile.
She loves everything about Manchester which initially baffled me. She comes from Barcelona but raves about the architecture, the music, the people, the bars and just about everything else. One the way walking to the Triangle we passed the Urbis and the cathedral when she said how much she loved the buildings. "But the buildings by Gaudi are amazing in Barcelona" I said. Yes she said, "But its only Gaudi, Gaudi, Gaudi"
Manchester is still the underdog though, and that's what makes people defend it so fiercely. My best friend who now lives in London commented on the magazines dedicated to Manchester and how great it is. I agreed that some press felt a need to justify Manchester as a great city which smacks of insecurity.
Bego is right though, it is a cool city. A creative one that can't and shouldn't compete with London. The largest student population in the country is one of the reasons it's at the forefront of fashion, music and art. Being at the forefront though means people can get it horrendously wrong. I've been to enough degree shows to know that the majority of the work is dross and can sometimes be slightly worrying places to visit when you consider that for 3 years a student has been working towards a video of them drawing lines on the ground around people when they are stood at a bus stop. No amount of academic posturing can justify the crap art that is produced for these shows.
I'm keeping going though, and I'll keep bleating on about how great the talent is around here. My international customers clearly agree. If nothing else I know I work in a superior city to Barcelona.

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