Tuesday 9 June 2009

A busy gallery owner?

My Inlaws were up for the weekend. I gave them the tour of both galleries, which should have been a proud moment for me. It was capped by “Are you sure you don’t want me to bring you a paper or something”. Gutted. Coming from my mother in law she had obviously taken pity on me and felt that I can’t possibly have enough to do without her help. It left me trying to convince them that running a gallery doesn’t involve waiting for people to come to you all day.
Every word from that moment sounded hollow, fatuous and left me feeling like a schoolboy again. I was saying too much which only heightened the demeaning arch of her eyebrows. Keep it simple Smith. If you are late for work it sounds better if you stick to one reason rather than “the train was late and my mobile battery died and the dog ate my watch and and and”.
Anyone who runs their own business knows that if you wait for people to stumble your way, you ain’t going to last long. The nature of an art gallery is that you don’t have huge numbers of people coming through. But then you don’t need huge numbers because what we sell is higher value than the newsagents on the corner.
We are starting to trial Sunday openings at the triangle so this is a time when I need to take on staff because no one can work 7 days a week. Any extra time is spent searching the mills and art studios, going to degree shows and networking events. How else can I be a specialist in emerging talent?
Mooch art Oldham street is also named the “Gallery of dreams”. It’s on my business cards and makes people smile whenever they read it. My take on “field of dreams” isn’t because of a penchant for cheesy 80s films. I loved the phrase “If you build it, they will come” and they have and do come. Artists all over the world sent material to me, and the gallery really is a beacon for attracting people who paint. Every now and again, not often mind, I see an artist who makes my week or even year. An artist who blows my mind with their talent and who still hasn’t a clue just how many people would love their work if they knew about it.
Don’t get me wrong, for every diamond there are hundreds or thousands of lumps of coal. Recently I have founds a few diamonds and It leaves me with a sense of enormous well being.
The next exhibition should be very very interesting. If you come along to Oldham street you will be able to see these artists before they are officially unveiled.

So am I busy? The answer is very.

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