Thursday 19 February 2009

Mooch Boom time?

The past week has been just crazy. Sales have been great and It finally feels like people are coming out of their post Christmas/recession blues. I feel that enough has been written about the recession already and most people are getting a little tired of the media bringing us all down. Franklin Roosevelt said is beautifully in 1932 "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself". Therein lies the problem and the solution to our economic woes.

I see it a lot in some people buying artwork. The way people decide what they buy, and even if they buy, is fascinating to me. Much of the time you have to go with your gut instinct and for some people this is really strong and they can have reached a decision within 5 seconds.
Phil at Ascot studios see a lot of very successful people come into his gallery and believes they have a very opinionated and decisive approach when choosing their artwork. This makes sense as to be successful you need to know what you want and make positive decisions on how to get there. We are all the sum of our choices. Flapping and indecision only costs time and money.

Gallery owners appreciate honesty when people look around. If you had a big bit of Parsley inbetween your front teeth, you wouldn't appreciate going through the whole day without someone telling you. Feedback is really important and honest opinions are what drives the development of the gallery and the artwork it shows. If you are a customer reading this, and you come into the gallery, don't be afraid to say you hate something. The worst possible reaction would be indifference but we seem to be getting the right artwork in.

It's important for me to stay down to earth when talking about the artwork. Complex, poncey jargon is not what mooch is about. All I really want to provide is information because I strongly believe that quality sells itself.

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